Folly Group

Words by Willow Shields Photographs by Nicole Osrin

1. Is your group a Folly?

Yes. Sheer.

2. Are you a particular fan of Follys?

Not of a lack of good sense or normal prudence and foresight, but certainly of small buildings that appear to have no practical purpose or the purpose of which appears less important than its striking and unusual design. My favourite is The Dunmore Pineapple.

3. Why are you called Folly Group?

Because we’ve done more pineapple than any other band in the world.

4. What in the world inspires you most?

Riding the high of a particularly successful show/ festival/tour.

5. What is your favourite sea-dwelling creature?

Whatever the hottest newest brainless sponge in the Mariana Trench is at any given moment. Did you ever see the video of the squid with elbows?

6. Do you have a particular fancy for cowboys?

I’d question anyone who admires the lone cowboy figure and what he represents in the year 2022. That said, we played our first run of headline shows recently, and the green room of Milton Keynes’ Craufurd Arms had a TV and a copy of A Fistful of Dollars on DVD. We had a very relaxed afternoon enjoying that with Qlowski, Alf, Max and Nicole.

7. Do you get the whole 'thing' about horses?

Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.

8. What has been your favorite birthday?

Historically, mine.

9. How would you describe your music to someone who hadn’t heard it?

Committee-based attempts at doing anything besides the obvious.

10. Do you like being in a band?

It’s great. I hadn’t done much collaborating before Folly Group and I’ve loved getting better at it.

11. What’s your most favourite gig you’ve ever played?

In December, we played at Trans Musicales in Rennes to 3000 people and it was televised. These facts have absolutely nothing to do with Folly Group and everything to do with the trust the attendees have in the festival. It felt really special.

12. What’s your favorite time of year?

19:00 and you get loads of them - class.

13. Do you go on walks in the countryside?

Yes! I grew up in Devon and now nothing clears my head like clean air and a view.

14. Do you keep secrets well?

I couldn’t possibly comment.

15. What’s been the best meal you’ve ever had?

I went to Buenos Aires in 2019 and had a pizza so good I shed a lone, private tear. Unfortunately, I don’t know the name of the place.




Olive Featherstone